Our SLIIT Final Year Research Journey 🚀

Hello everyone, I am writing this article to share with you our experience of how we did our final year research.
Janith Aiya (Janith Silva)had written an article like this some time ago. So I thought I’d write an article about our story as well. 😁
First of all what is it? The final year research project/ FYP or CDAP as in SLIIT terms, is a full one year module which has to be completed during the 4th academic year. It is the most crucial module of all carrying a whopping 16 credits (I quoted this from an article written by Janith Silva)
Here I begin my story.
So somehow our 3rd year is coming to an end. Now I hear our batch mates talking here and there. The word “CDAP”. As I mentioned above, CDAP is the name given to the research module in the SLIIT.
Knowing this, I too began to find a group somehow. One day Pubudu came to talk to me. Pubudu was a university announcer. Somehow he found me and said, “Dude we have a group. we want another member. Would you like to join us?”. I did not know Pubudu at that time. Somehow I agreed to his invitation. Somehow I found a group. We took our first group meeting. Surprisingly 3 years have passed but I have never seen the other two members. One is Jayani who is the only girl in our group. The other member is Vihanga. He’s a bit of a quiet character.

The next task is to find a research topic. Pubudu and Jayani are more interested in the media field. However, we hope to build on his and our idea of a “Real-Time AR tool based on digital media production”
Our next mission is to find our supervisor and co-supervisor. Its story is not so good. So I do not want to put that story here. Somehow we finally met one of the best supervisor and co-supervisor in the SLIIT.
So, over our vacation, we did a lot of study in that field to acquire as much information as possible, and we presented our idea to Dr. Shaym Reyal. I say ‘WE’ since there are four people working on this project. We finished the proposal, which included some great diagrams and pictures, and we were all set to deliver it to our research panel.
At that time our product had a name that was ‘Lumoz’. That name came from the Harry Potter movie.

Somehow the first (PP1) and second presentations (PP2) went well. When we made our second presentation, 90% of our product was finished and by then we had selected our product to be nominated for the 2021 National Best Quality Software Awards. For that SLIIT University select only a few small research projects. That was the biggest opportunity we had.
Our next mission is to be present our product for the National Best Quality Software Awards (NBQSA 2021)
Special mention should be made of Manitha, Chavika Gunasekara, Ravihara Perera, Savindu, and Viduranga who came for our product user interviews and user experience interviews.

We successfully ended up presenting NBQSA 2021 with some great illustrations and videos and we were able to enter the NBQSA winning circle 😍🥳

I do not intend to extend this article further. Somehow we finally won the NBQSA 2021 Merit Award 🥳 and our research paper was selected to present as a full paper on the 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Computing (ICAC).

Finally I have a few special people to thank. Our Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, Gihan Siriwardhana and Pramuditha ayya . Thanks again for all the advice you gave us.
Basically that was the story of final year research project… In short. We recently finished our final presentations too. So the final take of this story?
‘’ If you really believe it was meant to be, you just have to be patient, no matter what obstacles get in your way.‘’