Host your React web app on Microsoft Azure 🙌

In this article I will show how to host React web app on Azure cloud platform. We will create new test React web app from scratch, will build it, then will create in Azure new Resource group and App service and after that will transfer our React web app there. Before to start ensure that you have working Azure account with valid subscription.
First of all we need to build our React application. run the following command in your terminal
npm run build
It will create ready for deployment build subfolder and will copy web app files there.
Once React app is ready we need to configure Azure for hosting it. Go to Azure portal > Resource groups > Create resource group. On the opened window give name for the new resource group and select closer location:

When new resource group will be created choose New > Web App:

On the opened Window choose created resource group, give name for new web app, set the following parameters:
Publish = Code
Runtime stack = Node 10.14
Operating system = Windows
also select region (usually the same region which was used for creating resource group) and App service plan name. As we create new Web app for testing purposes we will use Free app service plan: under Sku and size click Change size and change App service plan to Dev/Test > F1 free:

and click Create. After that go to created App service > Deployment center > FTP > Dashboard > App credentials and copy FTP host name, username and password:

Use your favorite FTP client in order to connect to Azure app service with credentials copied on previous step. When connection will be established copy files from local /test-react-app/build folder to FTP /site/wwwroot folder. When it will be done try to open https://{name-of-your-web-app} in web browser (instead of {name-of-your-web-app} use name of Azure web app which was used during it’s creation). If everything was done correctly you will see your React web app hosted in Azure: