Facebook Developer Circle : Colombo — Build Day 2019
What is a Facebook Developer Circle
Developer Circles from Facebook is a program designed to create locally organized communities for developers. These communities are meant to educate and provide a forum for discussion and knowledge sharing around topics that are top-of-mind for developers in a particular market.

Developer Circle Colombo was launched on the 30th of Octopber2017 and is part of the wider family of the Facebook Developer Circles Program. Now the facebook group has more than 1600 members.
Facebook Developer Circle Build Day 2019 was held at the Hatch on 17th of August 2019. This event was organized by Facebook Developer Circle Colombo.

Event started at 10AM after half an hour registration where the invitees were given swags.

The first session was about Creating SparkAR for Everyone which was delivered by Dakshila Jayathilaka, a UI/UX Engineer at WSO2.

Download SparkAR- https://sparkar.facebook.com/ar-studio/
Tutorial Link -
After that, the next session was delivered by Sithija Piyuman Thewahettige, Software Engineer at Sysco Labs. His session was Getting Started with React360.

Last session was about Introduction HTML5 Gaming. This session was delivered by Indika Wijesooriya ,Chief Digital Officer at Arimac.
Session Important Links —
Link to the game juicyness presentation
Project link:
The event was concluded around 5.30pm . Stay tuned with Facebook Developer Circle: Colombo to get into another memorable experience in the near future.
Photo Album :- https://www.facebook.com/pg/shutterkng/photos/?tab=album&album_id=932371710429008&__tn__=-UCH-R